Guides and notes to mananaging websites and online strategies
The 5 reasons why we don't outsource our web development tasks
On several occasions we've been asked whether we outsource our development and programming tasks (specifically to inexpensive programmers overseas), and if we don't, why don't we?
Apps for travelling and some technologies for business
I recently gave a presentation to the Southern Alexandrina Business Association regarding technologies when travelling as well as some technologies we use to run our business.
The bare minimum you need to know about your hosting and email
The web is a great platform to share information and advertise your business or organisation. For a website owner, it can be difficult to understand what you are paying for and what the different terminology means.
Five tips to help your website project be successful
If you are a business owner or organisation manager that is about to develop or update your website through website developers (like us!), these tips are for you.
Preparing content for your website
Content management systems allow website owners to easily and quickly add and make changes to their website. Occasionally though users have a problem copying and pasting content into these systems due to a few incorrect assumptions about the process. These problems are easy to avoid with a few pieces of easy to follow advice.
How we manage our business using online systems
When the decision was made to expand the business and create the Mesuva Web Development identity, we recognised that we could use a lot of online technology to help things run smoothly. In the past the business was simply run from a personal email address and by doing invoicing and record keeping by hand. One of the goals we set was to be able to work effectively from a few laptops anywhere in the world with a reliable internet connection. We also felt that the management of the business should be not tied to any particular computer.